Thursday, February 25, 2016


You don't literally kill me.
That's obvious.

You killed everything around me.
Whenever I see something, anything.
It reminds me of you.
That's how you kill me.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Coklat versus Vanilla

Seorang penjual ais-krim coklat and he has to defend that chocolate is the best flavored ice-cream.

Seorang lagi penjual ais-krim vanilla and he has to do the same.

V - penjual ais-krim vanilla
C- penjual ais krim chocolate

Now they have to argue and win customers.

V: Don't you think vanilla is the best flavored ice-cream?

C: No. Chocolate is.

V: So kau rasa, macam mana pun perisa chocolate lah perisa paling best sekali?

C: It's the best flavored ice-cream and I wouldn't order any other

V: Oh so it's all chocolate for you is it?

C: Yes, chocolate is all I need.

V: Well, I need more than chocolate and for that matter, I need more than vanilla. I believe that we need freedom and choice when it comes to our ice-cream.

Well that is definition of liberty (the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's behaviour or political views)

C; But that's not what were talking about!

V: Ahh, but that is what I'm talking about

C: But you didn't prove vanilla is the best flavor?

V: I didn't have to. I proved that you're wrong and when you're wrong... I'm right..

C: But you still didn't convince me?

V: That's because I'm not after you. I'm after them *tunjuk pada customer-customer yang ada*. Now that they like my idea than yours. They'll pick me

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tabung EPL.

Kalau korang pernah tengok telemovie Drogba & Rooney lakonan Johan dan Zizan ni, confirm-confirm korang tahu apa yang aku maksudkan dengan tabung EPL.

Tabung EPL ialah tabung simpanan yang diadakan khas untuk ke England (lebih spesifik London) untuk menyaksikan pasukan kegemaran bola sepak beraksi secara live depan mata di stadium.

Aku sendiri bercita-cita untuk melahirkan Tabung EPL aku yang tersendiri. Aku akan mulakan simpanan aku apabila aku diterima kerja selepas meraih sijil ijazah sarjana muda nanti.

Aku betul-betul ingin ke London dan menyaksikan Arsenal berentap dengan mana-mana pasukan di Emirates Stadium.

                                                                 Emirates Stadium

Hasrat aku ni semakin membuak-buak bila Arsenal berentap dengan Malaysia tempoh hari. Aku harap cita-cita jangka masa panjang aku ni akan tercapai.
